Case Study 03 Troy Elmore
Case Study 03 Troy Elmore from Daydream on Vimeo.
In Episode Three of our Case Study series, we get to look under the hood of Elmore Surfboards and tap into the inspiration that makes this Costa Mesa legend's sleds so magical.
Troy Elmore is a multifaceted craftsman and surfer. He's one of the few shapers out there that can surf all styles of surfboards in the broad spectrum that exists. He can truly ride everything with a skill level that's unmatched in terms of style, grace, and flow. From fishes, thrusters, and bonzers to eggs, vee bottoms, and logs, Elmore is able to consistently surf his vast array of boards allowing him to create this incredibly valuable feedback loop to iterate his designs until they're absolutely perfect.
Craftsmanship is the underlying theme for Elmore's hobbies. When he's not surfing or mowing foam you can find him skating or biking. The motorcycles that Elmore builds are nothing short of show stopping. Not only are they beautiful and clean looking but they allow for consistent creative evolutionary path for functional design.
Make your way over to our website to check out Troy Elmore's Case Study podcast that accompanies this video. You'll also be able to check out our current stash of Elmore sleds available for demo or to call your own:
Thank you to Michael Cukr for filming and editing, additional footage from Jordan Minardi.
Channel Islands Fish Beard
Noa Deane and Dane Reynolds share a lot in common, not least of which a beefy physique—both are 200lb grown men who fly higher than surfers several weight classes lower.
In fact, after Dane buckled the two CI Neck Beard II's he'd brought to Stab High to play around in the Waco pool, he grabbed one of Noa's LSDs, markered over the conflicting sponsor stickers, and paddled out for his first heat.
Noa for his part is an unabashed Dane apostle, a fan since day dot and one of the highest profile of his generation to wear Dane's influence on his sleeve. We first started talking to Noz about being our Acid Test subject after hearing how many times he'd watched Dane's first film with us (30+ when we checked in two years ago, double now, at least).
While we were immediately enthused about having Britt Merrick and the Carpinteria CI crew into basically building an exact replica of Dane's Acid Test Neck Beard II, we were more than pleased to find out Dane and Britt, along with Parker Coffin, had been working on a new modified Neck Beard model, the Fish Beard, a twin-keeled swallow tail with an outline from the tail's nadir forward ripped straight from the beloved chop-tailed best seller.
ミッドレングス フィッシュ!【MAD FISH】
Tappy x 市東重明が提案するミッドレングスFISH 小波のオンショアJUNK波でミッドレングスFISHをどうの乗るか?! Board: MAD FISH size: 7'0 shaper : yoshikawa "Tappy" rider: 市東重明 shigeaki shito location: 片貝,Katakai,north CHIBA,JAPAN 伝統的なサンディエゴフィッシュをボードビルダーでるTappyと市東重明が提案したTappy Fishに続きミッドレンジのMAD FISHが誕生した。 波のポケットでの爆発的なトルクに加え、テールコントロールでのターン性能でFishらしいライディングが味わえる MAD FISH。 アウトラインは伝統的なサンディエゴフィッシュをストレッチしたミッドレングス。 ボードの細部にわたりシェイパーであるtappyがこだわったオリジナルのFISH設計が反映されている。 テールを使ったターンとコントロール性に加え、トルクフルな加速でサーフィンを更に楽しめるボードに仕上がっている。 ショートボーダーからロングボーダーまで長さを変えて楽しめる。 波のフェイスを大きく使ったターンで、スムーズかつパワフルに波をクルーズすることができる面白いミッドレンジのFISH。 ターンをしながら速いドライブ感とグライド感を思いっきり味わってください。 フィンプラグはフューチャーのプラグシステム。finは付属しない。 6’6〜7’11のサイズレンジでオーダー可能 市東重明パーソナルボード サイズ Mad fish 7'0 x 21.25 x 2.75 215,000円(税抜)単色レジンカラー両面が込みの価格
RVCA Trunks | Asher Pacey
Better times & surf trips are ahead. Asher Pacey letting loose in our Summer '20 Trunks.The trunks are made from recycled plastic bottles that combines performance, style and comfort while keeping surf functionality in mind.
Yuta × Captain fin 2020SS
Yuta × Captain fin 2020SS from YR on Vimeo.
Yuta testing - his 10’ pivot fin he create with Captain fin 2020SS - at his home.
Yuta riding 9’5 Stepdeck by Tudor.
Music by Brian Eno / The Big Ship
Yuta testing - his 10’ pivot fin he create with Captain fin 2020SS - at his home.
Yuta riding 9’5 Stepdeck by Tudor.
Music by Brian Eno / The Big Ship
North Shore On A Single Fin
On April 15th a big slow rising WNW swell hit the North Shore of Oahu. This morning started with waves 1-2 ft. and by night it was 15ft. Mason wanted to ride this surfboard at three different spots in one day as the swell rose. Rockies in the AM, V at lunch then Pipeline in the evening while it was bombing. The surfboard is a 6 ft. 4 inch Single Fin shaped by Timmy Patterson around 1996-2001? for Donavon Frankenreiter. Michael Ho grabbed the board from Timmy in San Clemente around 2003-2004 and it has been in Hawai'i since. Filming: Rory Pringle Surfers: Mason Ho, Michael Ho, Coco Ho, Sheldon Paishon, Kalani Chapman, Nathan Fletcher, Joey Johnston, Mark McMorris, Koa Smith, Josh Moniz, John John Florence & Ezekiel Lau. All surfboard info in end credit roll. RIP CHAS CHIDESTER - He passed on this day in 2017. Thank you for the waves and safety!
Surfing the Wedge, Slater, 2 Kooks & more! RAW - Bonus Footage
RAW Beefs TV bonus footage of Kalani Robb, Kelly Slater, Tyler Stanaland, Blair Conklin, Johnny Redmond, Kai Thompson, Craig Whetter, Tommy Cantrell, Slick Rick, Ultra Kook, Ian Crane and more! Yup this one is extra rare and hopefully gives you a little entertainment during the long days of couch surfing. All filmed in 2019 pre- lockdown. Thanks for watching and stay safe friends! #beefstv #thewedge #rawbeefs
DESERT DUST - Carver Skateboards
Desert Dust is a new film from Carver featuring our Italian team rider surfer/skater Edoardo Papa. Watch him put the new Carver Black Tip to the test as he experiences the depth and variety of concrete ditches around Palm Springs California. The Black Tip is made to perform at the highest level for any situation. Featuring our new Dura-Fusion laminate, this high density, impervious thermoplastic layer is fused to the bottom of the board to enhance strength and durability, provide responsive rebound and extend deck life. Pressed into our new Hyperspoon mold design, it features a deeper spoon-shaped concave in the nose and a steeper tail so you feel fully locked into your stance. The winged rails and coarse deck pad give extra grip to your heel and toe, inciting you to drive even more power through your back foot. Embossed channels run through the tail of the new Black Tip for truly one of a kind feel. Film/Edit: Gabriel Nakamura Rider: Edoardo Papa Board: 32.5" Black Tip Song: Skinshape - Oracolo
Noa Deane's EAST Shaper Profile: Daniel Jones
There’s something about the gorgeous intersection of shaping’s heritage craft and the design influences of modernity, especially when those two lines are being drawn on a foam blank and a wave’s face by the product of a specific location. Daniel Jones grew up at Rocky Point. Surfing and board building run through his DNA. A lightfooted and stylish goofyfoot, Daniel has spent the last years building a dedicated following without any crass self-promotion of almost any kind. With our Acid Test location locked in for Oahu’s North Shore in October, there was know way the experimental quiver would have been incomplete without one of Daniel’s handshapes being pushed by Noa out front of their house at Rockies. Knowing Daniel’s a ravenous consumer of modern progressive surfing, when we tapped him to build a board for Noa we basically told him to build what he’d ride at fun Rockies most days. The result is a spicy swallow-tailed aimed at uncompromising hi-fi shredding with the free and easy sensation so beloved in twins. The crew ran into Daniel on the way for the board’s Rockies christening. Confirming Noa’s suspicions about the Twin, Daniel was just finishing up a session on basically the exact same board. Noa connected with the board almost instantly, and returned from the session more than pleased with the hyper-local experience.
ミニボード【Pink Rabbit】
カレントが川の様に強い千葉北・片貝のコンディション 風が変わり、たまにチューブも巻く胸サイズの波を 5’7のpink rabbitでサーフィン Board: pink rabbit ピンクラビット fin : quad size: 5'7-19 3/4-2 3/8 shaper : kamata kouji rider: 市東重明 shigeaki shito location: north chiba LazyBoySkillイチオシのスペシャルボード。トップでのターンの気持ち良さは絶品! 型にハマったサーフィンではなく、自分の気持ちいいラインを取ればいい。 素早いテイクオフからスピードをつけ大きなカービングやカットバック、 エアリアルなど、気持ちよさを追求したモデル。 コンペに飽きたサーファーから週末サーファーまで幅広く使用できるボード。小波のから台風スウェルまで思う存分ターンを楽しんでもらいたい。 http://lazyboyskill.com/pinkrabbit
Kelly Slater And His '5-Fin' Webber At D-Bah
Greg Webber's been shaping some new boards for Kelly. One of these being a bunch of narrow boards, with a deep single concave, and hips referred to as a 'stinger'. In short, these boards have Kelly doing the best small wave (read: shit wave) surfing we've seen in years. Watch Kelly at D-Bah atop the board last week above.
END DAYS from 88 Surfboards on Vimeo.
Shot in Mex, Cali, & Hawaii. New 88s landed in USA!!
Shot in Mex, Cali, & Hawaii. New 88s landed in USA!!
6'3"ver. 006 "20/20" Alternative neo thruster
ミディアム ザ ブランド タッピーシェイプ "トェンティー/トェンティー" オルタナティブネオスラスターモデル6'3" をツインスタビライザー設定でクルーズフリーライド 【006 20/20 Alternative neo thruster】 6'3"×20' 1/2"×2' 9/16" with Machad 2+1 twin stabilizer Shaped & Glassed By 拓哉 Tappy 吉川 Promoter : 伊藤勝則 80’sテイストなスラスターイメージとオルタナティブなボリューム感、ローロッカーでシングルコンケーブと4チャンネルを融合させたオルタナティブネオスラスター。センターからノーズ寄りにある幅感とボリューム感、全体のロッカーバランスとボトムデザインが抜群の滑り出しとドライブを約束。フィッシュのようなスピード感を与えてくれながら、絞り込んだバンプスカッシュダイヤモンドテールがポケットでのパフォーマンス性を高めてくれる。お気に入りのツインスタビライザー設定で乗れば、レールを使ったビッグラインのカービングからスピードに乗ったクルーズラインまで幅の広い乗り方が楽しめるポテンシャルを秘めている。力を抜いたクルーズスタイルでもグングンと気持ちの良い加速と流れを与えてくれます!! ・シングルコンケーブ+4チャンネル ・Future Box or Fcs2 Box ・5'6"~6'2" ¥158,000+tax ・6'3"~6'8" ¥168,000+tax http://www.justicesurfboard.com/medium/ http://www.justicesurfboard.com/news/...
Kolohe Andino | Rad Ripper at Home
Kolohe Andino | Rad Ripper at Home from Lost Video Productions on Vimeo.
Alex Knost and Kassia Meador
Longboarding icons Alex Knost and Kassia Meador deliver much-needed good vibes in a new logging edit shot in Costa Rica right before the world came to a screeching halt. Filmed by @gal.danon (https://www.instagram.com/gal.danon/) Learn to hang five, ten, and heels like these two logging legends in Kassia Meador's Definitive Guide to Longboarding: https://bit.ly/alsuavekassiacourse The Inertia: The Definitive Voice of Surf, Mountain, and Outdoors // http://www.theinertia.com Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/TheInertiaYT Follow us! https://twitter.com/the_inertia https://www.facebook.com/TheInertia http://instagram.com/theinertia http://www.pinterest.com/theinertia/
CJ Nelson's Mid Length Fun Board
Explore Outlier Dimensions here: https://bit.ly/CJOutlier - At Firewire we've long admired CJ Nelson's surfing because it's easy on the eyes, it's styled, and it's relaxing to see while somehow still inspiring us towards ripping. Cj's Outlier model is built in Thunderbolt Red because CJ likes the light and lively spring and responsiveness that Thunderbolt Red adds to his favorite midlenght hull shape. Most of his other models like the Haven, the Sprout and more are built in Thunderbolt Silver because it adds traditional weight to his most traditional shapes. Explore more about CJ Nelson and his shapes by pressing here: https://firewiresurfboards.com/cj-nelson
Sponno Tape 2020
Sponno Tape 2020 from Banjo McLachlan on Vimeo.
Board is a 7'6 Ryan Lovelace, V BOWL$
ミッドレングス フィッシュ!【MAD FISH】
Tappy x 市東重明が提案するミッドレングスFISH Board: MAD FISH size: 7'0 shaper : yoshikawa "Tappy" rider: 市東重明 shigeaki shito location: 片貝,Katakai,north CHIBA,JAPAN 伝統的なサンディエゴフィッシュをボードビルダーでるTappyと市東重明が提案したTappy Fishに続きミッドレンジのMAD FISHが誕生した。 波のポケットでの爆発的なトルクに加え、テールコントロールでのターン性能でFishらしいライディングが味わえる MAD FISH。 アウトラインは伝統的なサンディエゴフィッシュをストレッチしたミッドレングス。 ボードの細部にわたりシェイパーであるtappyがこだわったオリジナルのFISH設計が反映されている。 テールを使ったターンとコントロール性に加え、トルクフルな加速でサーフィンを更に楽しめるボードに仕上がっている。 ショートボーダーからロングボーダーまで長さを変えて楽しめる。 波のフェイスを大きく使ったターンで、スムーズかつパワフルに波をクルーズすることができる面白いミッドレンジのFISH。 ターンをしながら速いドライブ感とグライド感を思いっきり味わってください。 フィンプラグはフューチャーのプラグシステム。finは付属しない。 6’6〜7’11のサイズレンジでオーダー可能 市東重明パーソナルボード サイズ Mad fish 7'0 x 21.25 x 2.75 215,000円(税抜)単色レジンカラー両面が込みの価格
Mikey Evans
Mikey Evans from Joe Radano on Vimeo.
A short piece on Mikey Evans, a surfer and shaper from New Hampshire.
A short piece on Mikey Evans, a surfer and shaper from New Hampshire.
Spooky Boy
Spooky Boy from Thomas Lodin on Vimeo.
Starring Mathieu Maréchal on his first visit to California, in fall 2019. His thoughts, feelings and surfing.
Co starring : JJ & Nathalie Wessels
Directed, filmed with no tripod and edited by Thomas Lodin.
Music :
Ted Lucas - Love & Peace Raga
Spooky - Dusty Springfield
Starring Mathieu Maréchal on his first visit to California, in fall 2019. His thoughts, feelings and surfing.
Co starring : JJ & Nathalie Wessels
Directed, filmed with no tripod and edited by Thomas Lodin.
Music :
Ted Lucas - Love & Peace Raga
Spooky - Dusty Springfield
ジョエル・チューダー | Part 2 of 2 | NobodySurf Originals
Joel Tudor at Malibu summer, 2018. Malibu is Joel’s institutional backside dojo. See how he surfs on vintage 1964 Yater. It’s perfect example of trim including, footwork, drop-knee, and noseride with grace. (Tatsuo Takei) ✔️ NobodySurfアプリでもっと観る: https://nobody.surf/Download 🔔チャンネルに登録する: https://www.youtube.com/NobodySurf?su... - Supported by - NobodySurf (@nobody_surf) - Surfer - Joel Tudor (@joeljitsu) - Surfboard - Vintage 1964 Renny Yater Surfboard - Film/Edit - Tatsuo Takei (@tatsuo_takei) - Music - "May" by JITZUWA FINDER - Location - Malibu, California, USA - Year - 2018 - Run Time - 1min 🔗NobodySurfをフォロー アプリ:https://nobody.surf/Download Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nobody_surf/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/nobodysurf/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/nobody_surf Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NobodySurf/
A&H Vessels - ‘Wizards’ Half Pint’ Model
A&H Vessels - 'Wizards’ Half Pint' Model by Ashton Pickle & Craig Knox from Victor Melchor on Vimeo.
Available to order now on ahvessels.com!
Available to order now on ahvessels.com!
A rhythmic dance with 'Spanish and African' elements. This is a surf film based out of 'West Java - Indonesia'. Many people dream of surfing here, we watch some of the few lucky enough to experience this wave & dance its line. -- Main Surfers are Dylan Swindale & Deni Blackboy Creative director / Filmer by Wezlew https://www.instagram.com/wezlew/?hl=en Production by Tomorrows Monday. https://www.instagram.com/tmmag.ltd/?... Music by Flavien Berger. https://www.instagram.com/flavien_ber... Proudly supported by York Surf & Surfers Collective.
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