Ask Scotty Stopnik what he does for a living and you might not get a clear answer. Not that he’s trying to be aloof or give you the run around; it’s just that there isn’t really a definitive answer to it. While “surf brands” have been the main source of income for much of his life, and he does indeed run stickers on his boards, Scotty hardly relates to being a pro surfer. Sure he surfs, very well, but he also builds custom motorcycles, he runs a company called the Cycle Zombies with his brother and cousin, he hunts swap meets for anything he can turn around and sell, he draws, paints, skates, acts, does stunt work–he hustles. “I surf and goof around and build motorcycles and ride them,” says Scotty while checking the waves in his hometown of Huntington Beach. “What you want to do for work is something you love to do, and I’ve done it for 15 years”.
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