

The Upsides to Downsized Surf - Channel Islands Surfboards

The global surf forecast is in constant flux, but one thing is quite certain: there are way more down-sized days than up. Fortunately, Channel Islands Surfboards has three different models to remedy the realities of small or junky surf: Neck Beard 2, CI Fish & Rocket Wide. Watch CI Teamriders Wade Goodall, Reef Heazlewood, Soli Bailey, Kai Otton & Connor O’Leary demonstrate just how fun and versatile these models are when the surf is not all-time. What's great about all three is that you have a board that addresses smaller surf very well, but if you show up and the waves are way better than expected you won't be bummed! But how to choose, you ask? Neck Beard 2: The brainchild of Dane Reynolds, the Neck Beard 2 is a crisp turning, high-performance board that features a single concave and moderate rocker profile well suited for tight, quick arcs but also lends itself to approach air sections with ease—and its wider tail makes for easier landings. CI Fish: Our Next Gen “fish” shape is geared for cruisey, longer lines but because of its thinned-out updates from earlier classic fish designs it provides added performance characteristics that can energize your average grovel sesh one day then have you screaming down-the-line on clean, head high points the next. The CI Fish performs best with our new CI AMK Futures keel fin template—inspired by a classic outline, they have a modern rake shape, graduated tip flex and flat inside foils. Rocket Wide: This may be the most versatile of the three. The Rocket Wide has everything you love in a good performance board's tail surfing characteristics but seamlessly employs the paddle power and lower entry rocker of a classic groveler. This single-to-double concave design can be enjoyed as a three-fin, four-fin and two-plus-one, helping surfers easily adapt to the changing conditions. For more info on these three designs that deliver in several big ways, see your local Surf Shop or go to www.cisurfboards.com. Edit by Fun Boys


Mini Single fin 開発中!

ボードサイズ6’0以下でミッドレングスのグライド感とミニボードのコントロール性を兼ね備えたボードがあったら面白いのではないかと考え開発中! エッジやレール、およびスタンスの下のボトムの作り込みを現在開発中です。 数回アップデートさせてリリースできると思います。 ミッドレングスシングルフィンでは物足りないショートボーダーにオススメ! お楽しみに!



Black Spring. Adventures with Craig Anderson.

Black Spring. Adventures with Craig Anderson. from MODOM on Vimeo.

Craig puts a 5’2” Deadly through its paces, on an average day at what was once voted one of the worlds worst beach breaks.. (we still think it’s the best) and makes it actually look fun!


シングルフィン!【Bounty Hunter】7'0 オンショアクルーズ

【世界で10本限定!】Bounty Hunterがリリース! カリフォルニア・サンタクルーズから世界的に超一流のボードビルダー『Travis Reynolds』をゲストシェイパーに招き,限定10本スペシャルエディションボード『Bounty Hunter』(バウンティハンター)をリリース。 海外でも評価の高いボードビルダーであるトラビス レイノルズ。 2018年、アメリカで開催されたBoardRoom Showで、ライブシェイピングコンテストにて名だたるシェイパーを抑え見事トーナメントを勝ち進み、優勝を手にした。そのポテンシャルとボードビルドのスキルは世界屈指。 トラビス・レイノルズといえば、シングルスタビー系の『フレッシュジュース』などがポピュラーなラインナップだが、LazyBoySkillでは今回特別に新しいテンプレートでオファーした。 今年5月に来日して、オーダーした際には『7’0のミッドレングスシングルフィンでとにかくスピードとフロー感のあるボード』としか伝えずに開発してもらい、シェイプルームでの制作にも市東重明が立ち合い完成したスペシャルボード。 『Bounty Hunter 』は、巷に流通していない限定希少モデル。 トラビスが来日して特別にLazyBoySkill用に特別テンプレートを起こして制作された。3つのテンプレートをバランスよく複合し完全オリジナルのアウトラインに仕上げた。 ミッドレングスの中でもとりわけ滑走スピードの速いディスプレイスメントハルのフォルムに、ボトムはスキップフライのリバースV(テール側Veeとダブルコンケーヴ)を採用。 スピードとコントロール性を兼ね備えたモデルとなる。 日本の波でもオールラウンダーとして活躍してくれること間違いなし。トリムでの滑走スピードとドライブターンの相性は抜群です。 6’10~7’2がサイズレンジとなります。幅も浮力も結構あります。ショートボーダーには短め、ロングボーダーには長めがお勧めです。 先着で10本限定のみの販売 価格 238,000円(税別)レジンカラーラミネート込み サンドフィニッシュ・シングルフィンBOX ロゴの位置は指定不可 デッキ面にトラビス リップロゴ ボトム面にLAZYBOYSKILLのクロスロゴの仕様となります 気になるかたは全国のディーラーまで↓ http://lazyboyskill.com/dealer

\The Sound Of Change:: Episode 1//

\\The Sound Of Change:: Episode 1// from Rhythm Livin on Vimeo.

Phase I.

Asher Pacey_
Harrison Roach_
Dane Peterson_
Neal Purchase Jnr_


Bleeding Knees Club_
Haldanes Daughters_

Film & Edit.

Nat Lanyon_

The End.



Obsessives: Max Stewart (Eye Symmetry Surfboards)

You’ve got to do something, right? The glory days of endless degrees on government dime and bountiful social security are a distant memory, so presently, for good or ill, one must work. There’s plenty of dismal jobs out there: relatively straightforward to obtain, easy to explain to your grandparents, and, if your heart beats with a vaguely creative flutter, universally soul-crushing. So what you gunna do? Well, if surfing’s your thing you’ve got a number of avenues open to you, but know this, it takes time, perseverance and nothing short of a herculean obsession with fine-tuning your craft to make your vocation a reality. But, it can be done. Come and meet the obsessives who’ve turned passion into fruitful careers. Max Stewart seems far too young to be as set up and onto it as he is. While at first he might seem left field, brash even, once you’ve spent a little time with him you find out what it really is: the guy’s smart. Like, frighteningly so. Instead of being the sort who puts their intellect to lofty ideas, or the pursuit of great wealth, Max dedicates everything he’s got to his craft, which is building the best surfboards he possibly can, and furthering design, whether in process, materials or his shaping. Knowing firsthand the work ethic and scrupulous attention to detail he possesses, he’s an obsessive in every sense of the word.


サイズがあっても問題なし!【SUNDAY KILLER】5’3

Board: Sunday Killer size: 5'3 - 22 -2 3/4 shaper : Masayuki Yoshida rider: 市東重明 shigeaki shito 【SUNDAY KILLER:サンデーキラー】 日曜日の殺し屋のネーミングのとおり、週末の混んだビーチブレイクで威力を発揮するボード。ミニシモンズとフィッシュのいいところを ブレンドしたモデル。 ノーズはスクエアノーズにより安定した早いテイクオフを実現。テール形状に、米軍ステルス戦略爆撃機からインスパイアされたステルスフィッシュテールを採用しターンのコントロール性も確保している。 この1本あれば休日が楽しくなること間違いなし。このボードで、周りのサーファー達を横目に週末の波を総取りしてしまえ。 フィンはクワッドのみ  ¥145,000(税抜き) http://lazyboyskill.com/sundaykiller



Los beneficios del MINI TWIN FIN DHD

https://www.singlequiver.com/tablas-d... Las tablas de surf retro son tablas cortas inspiradas en los diseños de los años 70. En Single Quiver tenemos una cuidada selección de Twin Fins y retro twin fins de las mejores marcas de la industria del surf. Si buscas quillas para tu Twin Fin nuestra recomendación: Quillas Asher Pacey de la marca australiana Shapers: https://www.singlequiver.com/quillas/...



Electric Presents: Scotty Stopnik

Ask Scotty Stopnik what he does for a living and you might not get a clear answer. Not that he’s trying to be aloof or give you the run around; it’s just that there isn’t really a definitive answer to it. While “surf brands” have been the main source of income for much of his life, and he does indeed run stickers on his boards, Scotty hardly relates to being a pro surfer. Sure he surfs, very well, but he also builds custom motorcycles, he runs a company called the Cycle Zombies with his brother and cousin, he hunts swap meets for anything he can turn around and sell, he draws, paints, skates, acts, does stunt work–he hustles. “I surf and goof around and build motorcycles and ride them,” says Scotty while checking the waves in his hometown of Huntington Beach. “What you want to do for work is something you love to do, and I’ve done it for 15 years”.


Ozzieland with Leila and Alana

Leila and I got weird during the last days of summer in Australia. The waves were small but we had fun and laughed a lot, which is the most important thing. Produced by Gage Hingeley Music by Miniature Tigers https://open.spotify.com/track/5MifRI...


The Electric Acid Surfboard Test Shaper's Profile: Scott Anderson

Scott Anderson, Dane Reynolds, and Greg Liddle's Theories of Displacement



TOMCAT - dual single fin-

【TOMCAT:トムキャット】 このボードは、映画『TOPGUN』でも登場したアメリカ海軍の伝説の戦闘機であるF-14(トムキャット)からインスパイアされている。このボードの最大の特徴は、シングルフィン専用boxが2個搭載されたデュアルシングルフィンシステムであり、これはF-14の2枚の垂直尾翼と同じである。 フィンを付け替えてフィン形状をチェンジすることが可能であり、航空状況に応じて翼を可変させるシステムを持つF-14さながらだ。ターンのフィーリングはシングルフィンとツインフィンのミックス。ツインほどルースすることなくターンを楽しめ、シングルよりシャープなターンが可能。タイトなターンからドライブターンまで操作性と乗り味は抜群のボード。waveレンジも小波から頭オーバーまで楽しめる。 ボードビルダーである吉川’Tappy’タクヤが満を持してリリースするスペシャルエディションボードです。彼の完璧すぎるボード設計とシェイピング&カラーラミネートを肌で感じで頂きたい。 http://lazyboyskill.com/tomcat 価格 ¥210,000(税抜)



大橋海人が超話題の都内でサーフィンが出来るCityWaveに初挑戦! 様々なSNSで話題となった圧巻のライディングだがその真相をこの動画で全て公開する! スポル品川大井町 https://www.sporu.jp




For an individual entering his mid teens, when it comes to taste in music and understanding what a personal brand represents in todays world, Australian Central Coast’s Oscar Langburne is beyond his years. It was around this time last year that we introduced Osc to the Haydenshapes team and since then we’ve had the pleasure of getting to know him and his family, what feels best beneath his feet, and what psyches him up most about surfing. At some point over the past year, “Give the people what they want, take this boy to Indo, deliver us the feature he deserves!” was aptly put to us. Thus, and in good time, we ventured over to Bali and Sumatra with Osc and film maker Dan Scott and a diverse quiver from single fins to twins and his favourite Untitled FutureFlex. He talks more about his boards in the interview below. In the mean time, enjoy “Elegia”. A film by Dan Scott


Escape surfboard twin fish Peyo Hargous

Escape surfboard twin fish Peyo Hargous from Hargous Peyo on Vimeo.



Sage Erickson On Channel Islands All-New CI Fish

Watch Sage Erickson ride Channel Islands Surfboards’ Next Gen “fish” shape, simply called the CI Fish. This new model is thinned-out and tuned-up for added performance, making it a versatile craft that can energize your average grovel sesh one day then have you screaming down-the-line on clean, head high points the next. The CI Fish's DNA can be traced back to 2005’s Retro Fish, which two years later inspired the Skinny Fish—a refined version of the Channel Islands Retro Fish, featuring more user-friendly rails with less volume and a quad fin set-up. This third iteration of CI's fish family takes us back to a twin keel set-up but adds some subtle performance board characteristics into a classic plan shape, resulting in an update that fish aficionados and performance board die-hards alike can appreciate. Channel Islands Surfboards' pro team riders such as Sage, Dane Gudauskas, Conner Coffin, Mike February, and Alex Gray all say that the CI Fish is faster than greased lighting and zips through any flat sections with ease. This new model performs best with the brand new Channel Islands AMK Futures keel fin template. Inspired by a classic outline, they boast a modern rake shape, graduated tip flex and flat inside foils finely tuned for fast, high-performance surfing. Both the fins and the CI Fish are available at fine surf shops everywhere or www.cisurfboards.com. Built for stock in both PU/PE and EPS Spine-Tek constructions. Video by Sean Lesh



Katin in the Basque Country

Katin sends Zack Flores and Saxon Wilson to the Basque Country for the Vans Joel Tudor Duct Tape Invitational.


The Electric Acid Surfboard Test Shaper's Profile: Tyler Warren

Dane Reynolds bites The Bullet, and puts Tyler Warren's moontail through a proper torque test.




SHELDON - STNDRD - BEACH SCVM MUSIC from Tracks Magazine on Vimeo.

The Tracks 2018 Ride Guide samples a range of surfboards from leading shapers and brands in Australia. This year the testing was based at Latitude Zero, the luxury surf resort located in Indonesia’s wave-rich Telo Islands. The boards were ridden and reviewed by Sheldon Simkus, Chris Friend and Jackson Baker.


Dane Gudauskas Test Rides Channel Islands All-New CI Fish

Watch Dane Gudauskas test ride Channel Islands Surfboards’ Next Gen “fish” shape, simply called the CI Fish. This new model is thinned-out and tuned-up for added performance, making it a versatile craft that can energize your average grovel sesh one day then have you screaming down-the-line on clean, head high points the next. The CI Fish's DNA can be traced back to 2005’s Retro Fish, which two years later inspired the Skinny Fish—a refined version of the Channel Islands Retro Fish, featuring more user-friendly rails with less volume and a quad fin set-up. This third iteration of CI's fish family takes us back to a twin keel set-up but adds some subtle performance board characteristics into a classic plan shape, resulting in an update that fish aficionados and performance board die-hards alike can appreciate. Channel Islands Surfboards' pro team riders such as Dane Gudauskas, Sage Erickson, Conner Coffin, Mike February, and Alex Gray all say that the CI Fish is faster than greased lighting and zips through any flat sections with ease. This new model performs best with the brand new Channel Islands AMK Futures keel fin template. Inspired by a classic outline, they boast a modern rake shape, graduated tip flex and flat inside foils finely tuned for fast, high performance surfing. Both the fins and the CI Fish are available at fine surf shops everywhere or www.cisurfboards.com. Built for stock in both PU/PE and EPS Spine-Tek constructions. Videographers Sean Lesh and Jacob Vanderwork Edit by Sean Lesh




MISFIT SHAPES presents the 'BEACH METALL' twin ~ Part of our 2018 'Modern Cloud Control 3' Collection, the 'BEACH METALL' reflects our desire to continue the development of performance twin fins, with this model being the most contemporary, and damn lively one to date. Filmed and edited - Josh Simpson/ Luka Raubenheimer Surfers - Nick Riley For more, visit - misfitshapes.com/surfboards/models.html


Dane Reynolds Rips A Corona x Parley Gary McNeill ECOBOARD

An Electric Acid Surfboard Test Bonus.




WACO, TEXAS from What Youth on Vimeo.


A Moroccan New Year | The Sound Of Change

A Moroccan New Year | The Sound Of Change from Rhythm Livin on Vimeo.

"Here I am, at the end of a road, wedged between a salt desert and the ocean, the sun falls little by little, the wind continues to be heard and here I am after 24 hours on the bus to where Nathan and I had planned to meet, far in the south for a new adventure."

Nathan Sadoun and photographer Nil Puissant head south to the edges of Morocco in search of empty waves and quiet landscapes, just in time for the clock to tick into the new year. It's a few days of fun, new encounters, and some memorable sessions under the Moroccan sun.

Video & Edit: Nil Puissant
Song: Something On My Mind by The Pale Fountains


Ben Webb’s 5’7 twiny at Snapper

Ben Webb's 5'7 twiny at Snapper from Ben Webb | Surfboards on Vimeo.

Filmed by @jesselittlephoto




Yuji Waki on Deadkooks "new Magic Madball" in Chiba

脇祐史が新たなマジックとなった deadkooksのMADBALLモデル シングルチャンネルがこのモデルの大きな特徴で パドルすると揚力が発生しテールが浮き、 テイクオフもを助けてくれ、 かつ、乗ってからはとにかく速くてドライブします。 ストレートラインとロッカー、ボトム、 そしてレールボリューム。 バランスが非常によく、 祐史以外にも乗られている方のほとんどの マジックボードとなり、愛用されています。 祐史は60kgで5'6 183/8 23/16です。


Derek Hynd Hot Buttered Retro Twin Fin Surfing

Totally unafraid of boundaries, Mr. Hynd has often chosen complex and critical nuance over simplicity. Eccentric perhaps, at expressing the state of surfing, it’s multi-faceted, foibles and fearless aficionados. The truth, loud and clear, at all times personifies a character of strength welded with incredible ability. From avant-garde expression using foot-straps for rotation in the late ‘70s to a decade of finless freedom underling the sheer determination and dedication of a true visionary. Derek has given surfing a rare singularly alternative approach by advancing the purity of Hawaiian finless craft to modern high-performance individual expression. Unfettered by commercial or competitive machinations, DH shines alone at the very apex of an outstanding passion.



Field Notes 02

Field Notes 02 from Daydream on Vimeo.

Research Assistants: Robin Kegel, Levi Prairie, Kyle Kennelly, Troy Elmore

Research Quiver: 9'10" Gato Heroi Szaber, 9'4" Dash Dirty Martini, 5'10" Elmore Bonzer 5

Well it's just another beautiful morning in good olde Newport Beach, the conditions are glassy, the water is warm, and the surf is hallow and playful! Some great surfers were out today, we got to catch some quality time with Robin Kegel of Gato Heroi before he left to go back home to France after a long stint of shaping through the Summer and Fall. Robin was riding one of his favorite personal models, the Szaber. Troy Elmore was testing out some rad bonzer designs he's been working on and they definitely seem to be working really fluidly. Levi Prairie was on his trusty Dash Dirty Martini showing what the design is capable of in some steeper surf. Sadly, Kyle Kennelly broke his Gato Heroi Acid and found some swim fin to body surf a couple waves and traded off with Robin Kegel to test out his Szaber.


Emerick Ishikawa

Emerick Ishikawa | North Shore, Oahu Hawaii | 08 Nov 2018 from Dans Surf Videos on Vimeo.




湘南茅ヶ崎をホームとしACFメンバーでもある粂悠平と大橋海人! 彼らが茅ヶ崎の波で練習試合という名の決闘を開始! 結果はいかに、、、、、 ライディングには解説付き!


The Electric Acid Surfboard Test Shaper's Profiles: Ryan Lovelace

Dane Reynolds, Ryan Lovelace, and a "mellow outlined mini-glider with some Santa Barbara secret tricks up its sleeve"!


Tyler Warren Tri Fin - By True Ames

Tyler Warren Tri Fin - By True Ames from True Ames on Vimeo.

Nothin' like some quality power surfing... Kolton Sullivan and Tyler Warren showcasing some serious speed, style and flow via our new Tyler Warren Tri Fin set.

Designed to pair well with a wide variety of equipment, the full template, moderate-rake, and slightly smaller trailing fin allow for release as well as a solid amount of drive and hold for reliability... the perfect combination to add some extra flavor and variety to your boards.



TYPHOON 26 Takahide Mayaguchi

TYPHOON 26 Takahide Mayaguchi from colorsmag on Vimeo.

TYPHOON 26 Takahide Mayaguchi

Takahide Mayaguchi

Filmed & Edited by Chihiro Yoshinaga


The Sugar - Lee Wilson

The Sugar - Lee Wilson from Chilli Surfboards on Vimeo.

Need to sweeten your quiver? The Sugar twin fin is Chilli’s latest candy, combining a retro look with a modern twist. The Sugar’s straight outline loves to draw long, fast lines and is not shy off the lip.
Let’s break it down:
• The beak nose allows foam through the top end of the board for paddle power and a really nice foiled out tail in the bottom end for performance.
• Low rail to bite the waves surface.
• A 3.5 inch deep swallow/fish tail, with width for speed in flat sections
• The fin position is a traditional twin fin set-up designed for large style twin fins or twin keels.



The Neck Beard 2 is a new Channel Islands Surfboard model.



R-series v2_1

R-series v2_1 from Almond Surfboards on Vimeo.


Japanese Small Waves

Japanese Small Waves from SEAKONG on Vimeo.




DEADKOOKS・MADBALL(2018) を湘南の小波で脇祐史がテスト!

deadkooksの名作モデルMADBALL。 今年モデルがアップデートされ、より進化。 チャンネルボトムが標準装備され、 ロッカー、アウトラインなども少しずつ変え、 更にスピードとフロー、ドライブ性も増しています。 見た目以上にパワーのない湘南の小波で 脇祐史がテスト。 動画の通り、テイクオフも非常に速く、 乗ってからのフローと伸びも素晴らしいので ブレイクの速い波も抜けれてアクションできます。 ボトムがあればしっかり降りて縦へのアプローチも可能。 数回のテストで既に祐史のお気に入りボードとなっています。 もう少し良い波であればかなり調子良さそうです。 サイズは5'6 183/8 23/16 (祐史は60kg)
