

Mikey February — 6'10' CI Mid


Mikey February grooving' along in his home country of South Africa, riding a stock sized CI Mid, with a 2 + 1 fin CI Mid fin set of 6.5" center and 4" sides... This model is a modern classic design inspired by the clean, longer-railed lines drawn by traditional eggs and single-fins Al made in the 70s. Today’s CI Mid design is the result of a fun collaboration with Devon Howard https://www.instagram.com/devon_howard/ , and it infuses that timeless vibe with the crispness, sensitivity, and freedom made possible by modern features synonymous with Merrick design principles. Boasting a sleek, egg-like template with low entry rocker and foam a tad forward for ease of paddle and effortless trim speed, the CI Mid scoots, squirts and swivels thanks to contemporary features like double-barrel concave, gradually accelerated rocker, and hard, slightly tucked rails through and off the tail. The CI Mid was designed with a 2+1 fin set-up in mind but we’ve found it also works well as a single. We created a custom made 2+1 fin set that comes with a 6.5” center and choice of either 3.6″ side bites for surfers 160lbs and under, or 4.0″ side bites for those over 160lbs. We also have a new single-fin template you can find now at True Ames website. When it comes to sizing your CI Mid, we’ve found that 12” to 14” over one’s height works for most common body types with average to well above average ability. Very experienced surfers with solid shortboard skills have been going 10” to 12” over height. For surfers with a more solid frame or leaning toward the heavier side, we’ve been recommending they do custom Dims through their shop or cisurfboards.com by adding 1/16” to 1/8” extra foam thickness and sometimes about the same on width. If you have more questions about this design, ask your local surf shop or hit us up via email at info@cisurfboards.com or talk live to one of our board gurus through the site anytime during normal business hours. Learn more about the CI Mid here: https://cisurfboards.com/products/ci-mid Find a CI Mid at your local surf shop or order a custom online here: https://cisurfboards.com/products/ci-mid Video shot by @surfcanon Song is "Easin In" by Edwin Starr


Cosi Veloce

Cosi Veloce from Deus Ex Machina FRANCE on Vimeo.

Nous avons tous été dans cet état de stagnation pendant deux ans, bloqués sur place par des forces hors de notre contrôle. Mais nos esprits n'ont jamais été ralentis, ils sautent si vite d'un endroit à l'autre. Ils ont gardé le cap, nous avons réfléchi à tout. Si vite, si vite que si nous ne nous arrêtons pas pour jeter un coup d'œil de temps en temps, nous pourrions le manquer.

Mais nous sommes ici, où beaucoup ont voyagé et cherché, mais où seulement certains sont restés. Des plages magnifiques, des vagues dont on ne peut que rêver. Des amis qui font des sacrifices et prennent les mêmes risques.

Appelez-nous des rêveurs, appelez-nous des amoureux des vagues sans espoir.
Nous mourons près de la vague et sourions au soleil... Cosi Veloce !

Le lien vers le film complet est à retrouver dans notre bio.

Surfeur : Jared Mell @bangbangboogie
Film et montage : James Kinnaird @jimmyjazzjames
Musique Sunflower Sutra - Babe Rainbow @thebaberainbow



5`2 fish


5`2 deadkooks Riches TF https://www.deadkooks-shonan.com/rich... at 辻堂 film Eijiさん https://www.instagram.com/eichan_murata/ 中村光貴インスタグラム https://www.instagram.com/koki__nakam... https://www.deadkooks-shonan.com/store deadkooksshonan ホームページから ★クーポンコード『kokistyle 』でサーフボードが5%オフ!! 是非チェックしてみてください。




Vissla is glad to welcome Jimmy Thompson to our family of creators and innovators.
Hailing from South Carolina and recently making the pilgrimage out west, Jimmy is finding his stride in surfing by exploring board design and refining his style on the point breaks of California. Video by Jack Coleman.


6`3 fish


surfboard deadkooks "YingYang" 長さ6`3 at 鵠沼海岸 film Eijiさん https://www.instagram.com/eichan_murata/ Koki Nakamuraインスタグラム https://www.instagram.com/koki__nakam... YingYang https://www.deadkooks-shonan.com/ying... https://www.deadkooks-shonan.com/store deadkooksshonan ホームページから ★クーポンコード『kokistyle 』でサーフボードが5%オフ!! 是非チェックしてみてください。


THC Summer Skate 7’1”


Blue.がお届けする1ミニッツインプレッション。 サーフボードはTHCのサマー・スケート 7'1"。 サーフボードの詳しい解説はBlue.ウェブ「THE IMPRESSION」コーナーへ。 http://www.blue-mag.com/impression/ THC Summer Skate シェイパー名:ホイ・ランネルス サイズ:7’1″ × 22 1/4″ × 3 1/4″ ライダー:武藤龍寿(180㎝/76kg) ローマーズ&シーカーズ 080-8901-6583 *** movie:Masataka Kiyono photo:Yuichi Toida(Blue.Magazine) text:Jun Takahashi


Get to know: Ronan Gibbs

Get to know: Ronan Gibbs from Almond Surfboards on Vimeo.

Ronan is a mega-stoked 18-year-old kid, and we're stoked on his surfing and the way he approaches life. He embodies many of the things we love about surfing—positivity and flexing the creative muscle.

Here's a quick edit of him surfing, that he recorded a soundtrack for himself...

Riding a 9'8 Lumberjack model
