

Field Notes 04

Field Notes 04 from Daydream on Vimeo.

Welcome to episode four of our short film series, Field Notes, where we get to see some of the sleds, shapers, and shredders that we work with at the Daydream Research Center in action. In this video, we're excited to share with you some great surfing by a talented friend of the shop Ari Browne starring as our Australian Research Assistant. Browne is a very talented young surfer who displays his diverse talents well in this video as he trades off between two very different surf crafts by folks we work closely with at the Daydream Research Center - Ryan Lovelace and Liddle Surfboards.

Browne starts the film off on his 5'6" Lovelace Rabbits Foot which is a high performance, asymmetrical, finless marvel that allows him to slide virtually friction free without any drag from a fin. Finless boards can be challenging for some but not for Browne, he displays a cunning agility and is able to plot his course across the wave while balancing flowing turns in critical sections of the face.

The final board in the short is one near and dear to the Daydream Research Center, a 7'0" Liddle Point Breaker. Check out our recent Case Study we did on Greg Liddle Surfboards for a deeper dive behind these beautiful pieces of functional art. Long story short, these boards are all about speed and trim. Browne knows right where to set his rail to deliver that lovely effortless trim we all know and love about Liddle Surfboards.

A special thank you to Jack Coleman for making the trip down to Australia and capturing such stylish surfing from one of our favorite Australian shredders who's one of the front runners of finless shredding not to mention an all around great, friendly character. Lastly, thank you to Ryan Lovelace for shaping such interesting crafts that break the mold of what surfboards should be as well as the crew behind Liddle Surfboards - Kirk Putnam and Scott Anderson - for carrying on the incredible work that Greg Liddle developed.


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Pro surfers push LIMITS on crazy waves at softboard surf contest in Cabo !!!

Rob Machado, Josh Kerr, Blair Conklin, Mitch Coleborn, Anastasia Ashley, Sage Erickson and more push it to the limits at the Soft Soiree softboard only surf contest held in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. The event was held at the world-famous Monuments beach and hosted by the beautiful The Cape Hotel, WSL and Stab. #surfing #cabo #thecape


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Harrison Roach

Harrison Roach from SaltwaterSoulutions Laura holman on Vimeo.


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The Cigarette Surfboard in Hawai’i - with Cliff Kapono

The Cigarette Surfboard in Hawai'i - with Cliff Kapono from Juddy Productions on Vimeo.

In March 2019, we had the rad opportunity to spend time with professional surfer and Ph.D scientist Cliff Kapono. Inspired by his character, Hawai’ian pride, knowledge, and humor, we learned a lot and look forward to sharing more with you about his perspectives on protecting the oceans as our film continues to grow. In the mean time, we’ll let his surfing do the talking as he slides on 4,000 butts picked up off the beach.

Huge thanks to Dan Lorch and Connor Trimble for the water footage.

Surfboard blank shaped by Travis Reynolds
Music by Blended Babies

Copyright 2019 Juddy Productions


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Filipe Toledo "Wildfire" Keramas Shred

Filipe takes his new signature soft board model for a spin on a super fun lay-day in Bali. The Wildfire comes in 5’3 32L & 5’11 37L and is equipped with the FCS II system. This board is built for everyday shredding with all the elements of a modern-day shortboard, but soft. Shop Now – http://bit.ly/FilipeToledoWildfire #FilipeToledo #Softech #FCSII #SeaDifferently Music: Hot Work | Film: Baronisfilms | Edit: Velvet Sea Productions


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ミッドレングスでJUNK波の攻略 【style maffia】

千葉北・新堤のオンショアでクセのあるヨレヨレ波。 6’6ミッドレングスシングルフィンのスタイルマフィアでサーフィン Board: Style Maffia size: 6'6 shaper : Kenji Kouno rider: 市東重明 shigeaki shito location: 千葉北 north chiba 【style maffia:スタイルマフィア】 波を駆け抜けるダウンザラインのスピード感が爽快な、小波からタイフーンスウェルまで幅広く楽しめるスペシャルチューンのミッドレングスシングルフィン。 チーターファイブなどのノーズエリア、中央にスタンスを取ってのダウンザライン、テールエリアを使ってのマニューバーサーフィンと実に様々なスタイルを楽しめるボード、まさにStyle Maffiaである。 http://lazyboyskill.com/style-maffia


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Devon Howard: NobodySurf Originals

Devon Howard: NobodySurf Originals from NobodySurf on Vimeo.

Devon Howard at Malibu, Rincon, and Lowers, 2018 ~ 2019.
Longboard and the Midlength Master. Devon knows how to put it all together nicely in the water. “Calm and Corrected,” that’s the words I think of for Devon. We’ve been friends for 20 years and have really good time each session - whether we scored good waves or not. (Tatsuo Takei)

- Surfboards -
"The Keeper 9'9" by Thomas Surfboards
"The Keeper 9'10" by Thomas Surfboards
"Russ Short Bonzer 3-Fin Round-Pin 7'2" by Campbell Brothers Surfboards
"Howard Special Mini 7'1" by Donald Takayama
"Huevo Ranchero 6'10" by FCD Surfboards

- Supported by -
NobodySurf (@nobody_surf)

- Surfer -
Devon Howard (@devon_howard)

- Film/Edit -
Tatsuo Takei (@tatsuo_takei)

- Music -
"Coffee, Somoke, Awamori" by JITZUWA FINDER

- Location -
Malibu, California, USA
Rincon, California, USA
Lower Trestles, California, USA

- Year -

- Run Time -


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Mental Mentawais

A super little trip with Asher Pacey and Mitch Parkinson to Hollow Tree's resort in the Mentawais. Enjoy this super fun little edit.


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The Dock by STAB & Volcom

The Dock by STAB & Volcom from Dan Scott on Vimeo.

Presented by STAB magazine & Volcom

In 2017, I had the opportunity to shoot and edit this concept for Stab magazine and Volcom surf.


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2年連続グランドチャンピオン浜瀬海がホームポイント平塚でのロングボード 最新クリップ


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JSから今年発売されている、BLACK BRONを本国のワールドセールスマネージャーのクレイグピッチャーさんに解説していただいて、笹子夏輝と山本秀哉が試乗いたしました! パフォーマンスが可能なツインフィン!様々な乗り方で楽しめる注目の一本となっております!https://www.murasaki.co.jp/brand/ride...


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【TOMCAT:トムキャット】 このボードは、映画『TOPGUN』でも登場したアメリカ海軍の伝説の戦闘機であるF-14(トムキャット)からインスパイアされている。このボードの最大の特徴は、シングルフィン専用boxが2個搭載されたデュアルシングルフィンシステムであり、これはF-14の2枚の垂直尾翼と同じである。 フィンを付け替えてフィン形状をチェンジすることが可能であり、航空状況に応じて翼を可変させるシステムを持つF-14さながらだ。ターンのフィーリングはシングルフィンとツインフィンのミックス。ツインほどルースすることなくターンを楽しめ、シングルよりシャープなターンが可能。タイトなターンからドライブターンまで操作性と乗り味は抜群のボード。waveレンジも小波から頭オーバーまで楽しめる。 シェイパーが語るTOMCATの秘密↓ https://youtu.be/mFvQ-9ETm6s ボードビルダーである吉川’Tappy’タクヤが満を持してリリースするスペシャルエディションボードです。彼の完璧すぎるボード設計とシェイピング&カラーラミネートを肌で感じで頂きたい。 http://lazyboyskill.com/tomcat 価格 ¥210,000(税抜)


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Ozzie Wright Has More Fun Surfing Than Anyone Else In The Water | RAW

Ozzie Wright has been keeping surfing punk rock for decades and this fresh RAW edit by Jimmy Jazz Kinnaird proves. Settle in for three minutes of Ozzie at his best, from boosting airs to pulling into barrels, to jumping off cliffs. This is as authentic of a Red Bull RAW edit as they come. ___ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Subscribe to Red Bull Surfing on Youtube: https://win.gs/SubToRedBullSurfing Get the FREE Red Bull TV apps for all your devices: http://onelink.to/yfbct7 Watch Red Bull TV: http://win.gs/WatchRBTV Red Bull on Facebook: http://win.gs/redbullfb Red Bull on Instagram: http://win.gs/RedBullInstagram


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Bobby Martinez X Channel Islands Surfboards’ OG Flyer

Bobby Martinez X Channel Islands Surfboards' OG Flyer from CI Surfboards on Vimeo.

Bobby Martinez on a four-fin OG Flyer custom built by @cisurfboards_aus.
5'8 x 18 3/4 x 2 5/16

Best as an everyday board in everyday conditions, The Flyer has a single concave entry to double through the middle and a vee exit, Al’s signature bump squash, slight down rail, and a subtle nose beak. To be ridden approximately the same length as you are tall.

Filmed by Sean Lesh


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Corona x STAB - Electric Acid Surfboard Test: Stephanie Gilmore x Rob Machado eco board edit

Rob Machado shapes a surfboard for the queen of the surf, Stephanie Gilmore to put to the test. Have a look at how it performs in Corona's Electric Acid Surfboard Test.


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MR x Mayhem x Mason

One fun summer day filmed a couple days ago by Rory Pringle on the North Shore of Oahu. Mason Ho rides a ...Lost board model called the "California Twin". Its a twin fin fish collaboration with Mark Richards and Matt Biolos (Mayhem). The Board is fast and loose with a twin fin or thruster.


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Rob Machado and the Legend's Daughter

Every year Rob Machado heads to Europe to meet up with his teenage daughter, Macy. They live oceans apart. Macy in Reunion Island on the Indian Ocean; Rob on the Pacific. On this occasion, they dropped into our demo center in the Basque Country for a father-daughter session, trying all the different types of waves and enjoying some quality time surfing.


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