

Firewire THE SEASIDEを笹子夏輝がテストライドしました

FIREWIREの2019年モデルのSEASIDEを笹子夏輝がテストライドしました!! ライダー身長167cm、体重64キロ https://www.murasaki.co.jp/brand/ride...




Board: BankerBuster size: 5'10 shaper : kouji kamata rider: 市東重明 shigeaki shito 地中貫通爆弾のネーミングを授かったネオ・クワッドフィッシュ。 どんなラインをも貫くグライド感とターンの快感を体感できる現代のパフォーマンス性を融合させたボード。日本の様々な波のコンディションで、思う存分にターンとグライドの浮遊感を楽しんでもらいたい。 皆さんが持ってるパフォーマンスボードに、もう1本持つとしたら間違いなくバンカーバスターだろう。 フィンはクワッドのみ ¥138,000(税抜き) ボードのみの価格 http://lazyboyskill.com/bankerbuster




SURF TRAIING 2018 ARASHI MURATA from Yasushi Photos on Vimeo.




single fin ミニボード開発テスト









画面右下の設定より高画質HDでご覧ください。 Board: MDMA size: 5'1 shaper : masayuki yoshida rider: 市東重明 shigeaki shito 非常に強い多幸感と興奮が得られるサーフボード『MDMA』 名作となった『SundayKiller』そのシェイパーである吉田マサユキが手掛ける第2弾である。 特徴は、パフォーマンスボードとミニシモンズのハイブリッドボードでグライド感を残し、コントロール性を向上させた。早いテイクオフと軽快なターンに加え、どんなコンディションでも抜群の安定感がある。 http://lazyboyskill.com/mdma






"Medium the Brand" / ”ミディアム・ザ・ブランド”

http://www.justicesurfboard.com/medium/   ”ミディアム・ザ・ブランド”と名付けるジャスティスサーフボードから生まれた新レーベルプロジェクト。中和的で、ファッションやカルチャーに寄せたポジショニングをとり、クラフトの質感をより深く追求し、機能面だけではないカッコよさやルックスを通じて新しい楽しみ方を発信していきたいと考えています。またこのレーベルのもうひとつのコンセプトは”ゲストシェイパー”と呼ぶ、柔軟でフレックスのある参加型のボードビルダーが主であること。遊び心溢れるこだわり抜いたこのレーベルにぜひ触れていただけると嬉しいです。 A new label project born from Justice Surfboard named "Medium the Brand". I am thinking of neutralizing, taking a position towards fashion and culture, deeply pursuing the texture of craft and delivering new ways of enjoying through coolness and looks that are not only functional. Another concept of this label is called "guest shaper", it is mainly flexible and flexible participating board builder. I am happy if you can touch on this label that was full of playful spirit.


The Electric Acid Surfboard Test - Full Movie - Dane Reynolds

Now Available | Get it Here: http://geni.us/ElectricAcid The Electric Acid Surfboard Test is an exploration of alternative surfboard design, and a radical and open-minded addition to Stab Magazine's blind taste test of the world's best surfboards, Stab In The Dark.Featuring the world’s most talented and high profile surfers riding the most iconic, left-field, under-appreciated, and disruptive designs of the Alternative Age, The Electric Acid Surfboard Test is an acid-splash hit to the tongue of the surfboard status quo. Subscribe to Echoboom Sports! http://bit.ly/18VxJeD Check out the new http://www.echoboom.tv Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/echoboomsports Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EchoBoomSports Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/echoboomsports




Australian Playboy Harry Bryant enjoys a morning surf at The Wedge on the 5'5" Catch Surf X Lost... RNF surfboard. To check out this board and the entire lineup, click over to catchsurf.com Song - Slumped by Pity Party




ムラサキスポーツ茅ケ崎店  ミックファニングのDHDTWINをいち早く試乗しました! film&edit by shuji nihei https://www.murasaki.co.jp/brand/ride...



通常のビーチブレイク千葉北の波を6’6ミッドレングスシングルフィンのスタイルマフィアでサーフィン 画面右下の設定より高画質HDでご覧ください。 Board: Style Maffia size: 6'6 shaper : Kenji Kouno rider: 市東重明 shigeaki shito location: 千葉北 north chiba 【style maffia:スタイルマフィア】 波を駆け抜けるダウンザラインのスピード感が爽快な、小波からタイフーンスウェルまで幅広く楽しめるスペシャルチューンのミッドレングスシングルフィン。 チーターファイブなどのノーズエリア、中央にスタンスを取ってのダウンザライン、テールエリアを使ってのマニューバーサーフィンと実に様々なスタイルを楽しめるボード、まさにStyle Maffiaである。 http://lazyboyskill.com/style-maffia



The Fun Boys Mini Movie

The Fun Boys Mini Movie from Harry Triglone on Vimeo.

Fun Boys 2 coming 2019!!!


Field Notes 03

Field Notes 03 from Daydream on Vimeo.

Welcome to episode three of our short film series, Field Notes, filmed and edited by Jack Coleman. In this episode we're joined by some very talented shredders Makala Harmony Smith and River Covey gliding with style on some new Gato Heroi sleds! Makala is riding her dashing, abstract resin tinted 9'7" Fluer while River takes to his crisp, clean 9'8" Californian. These boards are incredibly fun for a diverse spectrum of waves. Robin Kegel, the shaper behind Gato Heroi, has been building boards since he was a teenager, first getting his start here in Costa Mesa as well as Dana Point, Kegel is now in his 30's and widely known for pushing the envelope of surfboard design on an international level (amongst other things like working with Acne Studios developing fashion campaigns). He travels from country to country shaping massive batches of boards for lucky folks in California, Australia, Japan, Italy, and his home base in France. We're beyond jazzed to currently have a large stock of Gato Heroi's available in our shop to purchase new or demo through the Daydream Research Center.

Kegel pulls a lot of design influence from surfing's Transition Era of the late 1960's to shoot for a well rounded approach to dynamic logging allowing the surfer to ride the board from nose to tail and surf each wave with a speed oriented flow. There are few better cats out there to demonstrate the proper way to approach surfing Gato Herois than Makala and River. Makala really exemplifies the effortlessness of rolling her Fluer over from rail to rail off the beautifully arching pin tail with style and grace wile keeping her feet actively dancing around on the board. River's similar clean flow on the Californian is juxtaposed by his unpredictable lines from taking off fin first and hanging five off the tail to switch stance noseriding with full control. Gato Heroi has a great group of advocates to illustrate the creative intersection of historical surfboard design influence with a contemporary refinement that Robin Kegel employs.

A special thanks to Jack Coleman, Makala Harmony Smith, River Covey, and Robin Kegel for all being so talented at what they do.



Asher Surfs The Mason Twin

Have you ever wondered what Asher Wales dreams about? It's retro-styled foamies, shoreys and sunshine! His blade of choice this summer is the Mason Twin. Injected with stoke and fun, this generously volumed twinnie has been created for lighting up any surf break, making it easier for you to get waves and shred this summer. More: https://www.softechsoftboards.com.au


Kirra Seale | Alex Knost | North Shore, Hawaii

A week before Kirra Seale heads to the Taiwan Open of Surfing World Longboard Championships for her first time, I caught a few clips of her training on the sandbar with her new 9'2" Black Pearl Surf shaped by Kyle Bernhardt. A few weeks later, Alex Knost from Newport Beach, California was spotted making a blown out day of surf at Backdoors look a whole lotta fun.



7'4" twin pin Monster Surfboard

Between palm-trees from Line-of-flight on Vimeo.
Riding a channeled 7,4 twin pin Monster Surfboard
Filmed (hand held) by Estíbaliz Zubillaga


Cruzadores Del Sur

Cruzadores Del Sur from Deus Customs on Vimeo.

Two Friends, a pair of motorcycles, and surfboards strapped alongside.
Headed south of the border - fuelled by cerveza and in search of a laugh, some single tracks and peeling point breaks.

Featuring Forrest Minchinton, Micah Davis and more.
Filmed by Cameron Goold
Produced by Dustin Humphrey and Deus Ex Machina.



Owen Wright & Jack Freestone Get Barrelled in the Wavegarden Cove

Owen Wright & Jack Freestone Get Barrelled in the Wavegarden Cove from wavegarden on Vimeo.

A few months ago Aussie pro surfers Owen Wright and Jack Freestone visited the Wavegarden Cove Demo Centre in Spain and racked up plenty of barrels and turns in a charged but fun session. Kita Alexander, Owen's partner, is a stylish longboarder and was happy to ride a few mellow ones and spent some quality time in the water with her man. Good news on the horizon for people dreaming of surfing the "Cove". In 2019 Urbnsurf is bringing a Wavegarden 5 times larger than the demo model to Melbourne, Australia.


【恐怖のソリ】最速クルーズできるサーフボード『Terror Sled』7'0

アライアとハルをmixして設計されたスペシャルボード。 スピードを追求したミッドレングスのツインフィンです。 サーフィンのスキルアップに必要な繊細なボードコントロールが練習できます Board: terror sled size: 7'0 fin: twin shaper : kenji kouno rider : shigeaki shito location: katakai port http://lazyboyskill.com/terrorsled



Relatable Form

Relatable Form from Ryan Lovelace on Vimeo.

Relatable Form :: A handful of friends and I took to the Indian Ocean for what became a surreal learning experience. Perspective gained through removal from society, friendships made; unique but so akin. Fundamentals of life shared throughout time and space - Life appreciated. A study of hand made craft with water and nature between friends and other craftsman from across the globe.

Cinematography by James Clower, Joey Dwyer and Timmy Dwyer

Color Timing by Jason Johnson

Sound and Edit Master by Jesse Andrus

Editing by Joey Dwyer, James Clower and Timmy Dwyer

Featuring Dedi Sabatilat, Phil Browne, Joe Yee, Simon Murdoch, James Clower, Michael Carson, Ryan Lovelace, Eric Paulson, Trimcraft Surfboards

Special thanks to Surf in Mentawais, Dedi, Allen Thornton, Glide Surf Company, Trimcraft, Jason Johnson, Jesse Andrus, Jesse Tyler, Ryan Toomey, Mick Carson, Gregg Tally

Music: The Budos Band, Emancipator, Kikagaku Moyo



Mikey February X Channel Islands Surfboards' CI Fish

Watch one of today’s most stylish surfers, Michael “Mikey” February, gettin’ loose in the wonk on his CI Fish. 

The all-new CI Fish is our Next Gen “fish” shape—thinned-out and tuned-up for added performance, making it a versatile craft that can energize your average grovel sesh one day then have you screaming down-the-line on clean, head high points the next. 

Our CI Fish’s DNA can be traced back to 2005’s Retro Fish, which two years later inspired the Skinny Fish—a refined version of the Retro Fish, featuring more user-friendly rails with less volume and a quad fin set-up. This third iteration of our fish family takes us back to a twin keel set-up but adds some subtle performance board characteristics into a classic plan shape, resulting in an update that fish aficionados and performance board die-hards alike can appreciate.

CI pro team riders such as Dane Gudauskas, Sage Erickson, Conner Coffin and Alex Gray all say that the CI Fish is faster than greased lightning and zips through any flat sections with ease.

This new model performs best with our brand new Channel Islands AMK Futures keel fin template. Inspired by a classic outline, they boast a modern rake shape, graduated tip flex and flat inside foils finely tuned for fast, high-performance surfing. Both the fins and the CI Fish are available at fine surf shops everywhere or https://cisurfboards.com

Built for stock in both PU/PE and EPS Spine-Tek constructions.

Clips by @zeltibrynard  https://www.instagram.com/zeltibrynard/
Edit by @isaiah_merrick https://www.instagram.com/isaiah_merr...

Watch Tyler Warren ride the CI Fish here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqZzi...

Watch Dane Gudauskas ride the CI fish here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0Xd3...


開発中のMini Single プロトタイプ

ボードサイズ6’0以下でミッドレングスのグライド感とミニボードのコントロール性を兼ね備えたボードがあったら面白いのではないかと考え開発中! エッジやレール、およびスタンスの下のボトムの作り込みを現在開発中です。 数回アップデートさせてリリースできると思います。 ミッドレングスシングルフィンでは物足りないショートボーダーにオススメ! お楽しみに!



The Vans Duct Tape Invitational Slides Into Hainan, China | SURFER Magazine

Experiencing the Burgeoning Chinese Surf Scene By Those Who Know It Best Ask any surfer at your local beachie about surfing in China, and they’ll either mention something about a left, or simply stare back at you blankly. While some know that Riyue Bay on Hainan Island can hold surf, most know little to nothing about China’s waves, the people who ride them and the burgeoning surf culture on the coast. In "Local Flavor", a series that aims to give an in-depth look at surf scenes around the world, against the backdrop of the Duct Tape Invitational and Sanya Festival, we pair the iconic surf personalities of the DTI with the local surfers who know their surf scene best, and record the conversations and experiences that follow. In the first episode of "Local Flavor", Riyue Bay local surfer, DB, explains how much it means to the Hainan Island surf community for the Duct Tape Invitational to come to their home. Having had initial exposure to well-known traditional log maestros like Joel Tudor and Alex Knost through videos only, after surfing with the invitees DB said, "Wow, they were our superheroes but now they're our friends." Hit play to watch the elated Duct Tape Invitational hosts of Hainan Island, China share their growing surf scene with the visiting surfers.


Vessel Vanquish Hybrid Fish ft Thomas Woods

Vessel Vanquish Hybrid Fish ft Thomas Woods from The Surfboard Warehouse on Vimeo.

This latest offering from Vessel will see you vanquish other wave riders, increase your wave count and dominate in the line up.

The Vanquish has been designed with the rider in mind. The carbon wrapped rails and stringer gives you added durability where you need it, the wider outline ensures a stable platform for riders of all skill levels and the lower rocker and nose concave allows for easy and early wave entry which will undoubtedly increase your wave count. Constructed with a high density EPS foam core and a reinforced with a bamboo timber deck on both the top and bottom of the board, the Vanquish will take a beating and keep coming back for more.

The Vanquish features a quad channel system through the tail maximising water flow, creating a fast and functional shape with greater hold. If your looking for a strong, stable and responsive board then the Vanquish should be at the top of your list.

You can see more at the link below:



【bounty Hunter】ミッドレングス7’0

画面右下の設定より高画質HDでご覧ください。 Board: Bounty Hunter size: 7'0 shaper : Travis Reynolds rider: 市東重明 shigeaki shito 【世界で10本限定!】Bounty Hunter! カリフォルニア・サンタクルーズから世界的に超一流のボードビルダー『Travis Reynolds』をゲストシェイパーに招き,限定10本スペシャルエディションボード『Bounty Hunter』(バウンティハンター)をリリース。 海外でも評価の高いボードビルダーであるトラビス レイノルズ。 2018年、アメリカで開催されたBoardRoom Showで、ライブシェイピングコンテストにて名だたるシェイパーを抑え見事トーナメントを勝ち進み、優勝を手にした。そのポテンシャルとボードビルドのスキルは世界屈指。 トラビス・レイノルズといえば、シングルスタビー系の『フレッシュジュース』などがポピュラーなラインナップだが、LazyBoySkillでは今回特別に新しいテンプレートでオファーした。 今年5月に来日して、オーダーした際には『7’0のミッドレングスシングルフィンでとにかくスピードとフロー感のあるボード』としか伝えずに開発してもらい、シェイプルームでの制作にも市東重明が立ち合い完成したスペシャルボード。 『Bounty Hunter 』は、巷に流通していない限定希少モデル。 トラビスが来日して特別にLazyBoySkill用に特別テンプレートを起こして制作された。3つのテンプレートをバランスよく複合し完全オリジナルのアウトラインに仕上げた。 ミッドレングスの中でもとりわけ滑走スピードの速いディスプレイスメントハルのフォルムに、ボトムはスキップフライのリバースV(テール側Veeとダブルコンケーヴ)を採用。 スピードとコントロール性を兼ね備えたモデルとなる。 日本の波でもオールラウンダーとして活躍してくれること間違いなし。トリムでの滑走スピードとドライブターンの相性は抜群です。 6’10~7’2がサイズレンジとなります。幅も浮力も結構あります。ショートボーダーには短め、ロングボーダーには長めがお勧めです。 先着で10本限定のみの販売 まだ数本枠あります! 価格 238,000円(税別)レジンカラーラミネート込み サンドフィニッシュ・シングルフィンBOX ロゴの位置は指定不可 デッキ面にトラビス リップロゴ ボトム面にLAZYBOYSKILLのクロスロゴの仕様となります 気になるかたは全国のディーラーまで↓ http://lazyboyskill.com/dealer



Remember Summer

Remember Summer from FWS on Vimeo.

Surfer :



強風の波でも軽快!【SUNDAY KILLER】5’3

sunday killer やはり頼りになる!

Board: Sunday Killer
size: 5'3 - 22 -2 3/4
shaper : Masayuki Yoshida
rider: 市東重明 shigeaki shito




フィンはクワッドのみ  ¥145,000(税抜き)




"THE GIRLS" Lemon Spicy Film

REAL GIRLS in REAL SWIMWEAR.Sustainable Swimwear is rare to find, but the lovely Roos has made some of the most stylish, comfy and functional swimwear out. We got up super early to head to Double Island with the eskys full and Cruiser loaded with way too many boards we headed up the beach to test how they work while surfing & doing a crossword. I'll tell ya that THEY ARE THE BEST SWIMWEAR ON THE MARKET! "When we started Lemon Spicy we set our mission to design fashionable swimwear whilst using sustainable materials and ethical manufacturing. Being active surfers ourselves, we are close to nature on a daily base and this made us realise we want to contribute in a positive way". Join us to create positive change by doing things that matter. "A simple act of caring creates an endless ripple" LEMON SPICY WEBSITE https://www.lemonspicysocial.com/page... Starring- Music- Debussy Clair De Lune Filmed, produced & Edited Olivia Williams RARE VISUALS




LazyBoySkillのシングルフィンログ 【BeautyLog 9'6】 千葉北の片貝漁港でのサーフィン Board: Beauty Log size: 9'6 shaper : Kenji Kouno rider: 市東重明 shigeaki shito 『美しい丸太』のネーミングを授かったクラッシックロングボード Beaty Log。このボードのコンセプトはマルチクラッシックログ。異常な速さの滑走性能と安定性を実現したロングボードでシェイパー河野健児によるクラッシックラインならではの非常に高クウォリティな100%ハンドメイド。 http://lazyboyskill.com/_beautylog



Lowers Jam Session

When rocking up to a crowded spot like Lowers you know better than to go head-to-head with that crew on a little chippy thing. You want a board with a bit of extra paddle and planing power, but one that still performs and lets you get critical in the pocket or take to the air when a ramp is coming at you. That's why when the Gudauskas brothers, Yadin Nicol and Eithan Osborne recently met up for a CI Team jam session there, they knew to bring either a Rocket Wide or Neck Beard 2. The results? We’ll let you be the judge, but from where we're sitting it looked like a pretty solid call. Rider’s Dimensions: Dane Gudauskas is on the Rocket Wide: 5’8” x 19 1/4” x 2 7/16” Eithan Osborne is on the Neck Beard 2: 5/4” x 19” x 2 3/16" Yadin Nicol is on the Rocket Wide: 5’6” x 19” x 2 5/16” Tanner Gudauskas in on the Rocket Wide: 5’8” x 19 3/8” x 2 3/8” About the Rocket Wide: This may be the most versatile of the two. The Rocket Wide has everything you love in a good performance board’s tail surfing characteristics but seamlessly employs the paddle power and lower entry rocker of a classic groveler. This single-to-double concave design can be enjoyed as a three-fin, four-fin and two-plus-one, helping surfers easily adapt to the changing conditions. See more on the Rocket Wide here || https://www.cisurfboards.com/board/ro... About the Neck Beard 2: The brainchild of Dane Reynolds, the Neck Beard 2 is a crisp turning, high-performance board that features a single concave and moderate rocker profile well suited for tight, quick arcs but also lends itself to approach air sections with ease—and its wider tail makes for easier landings. This is the same board that Eithan won $20,000 for the highest air at the recent Stab High event (hyper link to the blog we did on him) See more on the Neck Beard 2 here || https://www.cisurfboards.com/board/ne... Shot and Edited by Sean Lesh for Channel Islands || https://www.instagram.com/seanlesh/ Additional Video by Jacob Vanderwork Channel Islands Surfboards || https://www.cisurfboards.com/ Dane Gudauskas || https://www.instagram.com/danedamus/ Eithan Osborne || https://www.instagram.com/eithanosborne/ Yadin Nicol || https://www.instagram.com/yadin_nicol/ Tanner Gudauskas || https://www.instagram.com/tannergud/


Julian Wilson going big on the Black Baron twin



Thank You Mother Extended Trailer

Thank You Mother Extended Trailer from Ishka Folkwell on Vimeo.
'Thank You Mother' is a cinematic journey of surfing, simplicity and appreciation. It is a film that isn't afraid to be beautiful, stylish and sincere. Produced by Torren Martyn and Ishka Folkwell with an original soundtrack by Nick Bampton. 'Thank You Mother' is narrated by award winning Australian film maker and life long simplist Albert Falzon, who made the seminal 1970 surf film 'Morning of the Earth'.

'Thank You Mother' began as a story about the act of creating a surfboard and the art of riding one. Exploring the connection between surfer Torren Martyn and his friend, mentor and surfboard shaper Simon Jones of 'Morning of the Earth Surfboards'. This naturally led to the doorstep of another friend and mentor, Albert Falzon and the film became more about connection, creativity and friendship, about surfing, being happy, and living simply.

Shot on location in South Africa, Indonesia and Australia, Ishka Folkwell's original and artful approach to film making captures something of the essence of these places, bringing them to life on screen. Nick Bamptons original musical score was composed for the film, so as Torren Martyn glides with style and power, carving beautiful lines into clean walls, the music echoes the mood and rhythm of his movements perfectly. Perhaps the most powerful element of this creative collaboration between surfers, shapers, filmmakers and musicians is the truth and beauty of Albert Falzons reflections on life. With humility and charisma he offers viewers the keys to a life of contentment, explaining that happiness comes not from having more or being the best, but from having good friends and being kind. 'Thank You Mother' is a film that celebrates appreciation of the simple things and stays with viewers long after they have watched it.

For more information visit: www.thankyoumotherfilm.com



The FCS II Rob Machado Seaside Quad

Designed specifically for his Firewire Seaside model, this semi-keel + stabiliser offers the flow of a traditional twin fish with the control of a performance quad setup. Learn More: https://www.surffcs.com/blogs/communi...



今年6月に静岡県浜松市で開催されたZBURHサーフボードファミリーカップ前日の チームライダー小林直海のフリーサフィンを収録した動画です。使用モデルはオー ルラウンドパフォーマンスモデルの「SMOOTH」。



BRITTANY* ScorpionBay 2018

BRITTANY* ScorpionBay 2018 from HIROKI WATANABE (SEAKONG) on Vimeo.

マテオ&ブリタニーによるマドルガーダタブラスのボードはこちらから⇒ https://seakong.shop-pro.jp/?mode=grp&gid=865189



【TOMCAT:トムキャット】 このボードは、映画『TOPGUN』でも登場したアメリカ海軍の伝説の戦闘機であるF-14(トムキャット)からインスパイアされている。このボードの最大の特徴は、シングルフィン専用boxが2個搭載されたデュアルシングルフィンシステムであり、これはF-14の2枚の垂直尾翼と同じである。 フィンを付け替えてフィン形状をチェンジすることが可能であり、航空状況に応じて翼を可変させるシステムを持つF-14さながらだ。ターンのフィーリングはシングルフィンとツインフィンのミックス。ツインほどルースすることなくターンを楽しめ、シングルよりシャープなターンが可能。タイトなターンからドライブターンまで操作性と乗り味は抜群のボード。waveレンジも小波から頭オーバーまで楽しめる。 ボードビルダーである吉川’Tappy’タクヤが満を持してリリースするスペシャルエディションボードです。彼の完璧すぎるボード設計とシェイピング&カラーラミネートを肌で感じで頂きたい。 http://lazyboyskill.com/tomcat 価格 ¥210,000(税抜) 気になるかたは全国のディーラーまで↓ http://lazyboyskill.com/dealer


Torren Martyn Puts His All-Twin-Fin Quiver to the Test | SURFER Magazine

Quivers: Torren Martyn



Tyler Warren x "CI Fish"- Channel Islands Surfboards

Tyler Warren takes the new CI Fish by Channel Islands Surfboards for a test drive in a recent project for Surfline (with Josh Kerry) called "Twinning." The all-new CI Fish is our Next Gen “fish” shape—thinned-out and tuned-up for added performance, making it a versatile craft that can energize your average grovel sesh one day then have you screaming down-the-line on clean, head high points the next. Our CI Fish’s DNA can be traced back to 2005’s Retro Fish, which two years later inspired the Skinny Fish—a refined version of the Retro Fish, featuring more user-friendly rails with less volume and a quad fin set-up. This third iteration of our fish family takes us back to a twin keel set-up but adds some subtle performance board characteristics into a classic plan shape, resulting in an update that fish aficionados and performance board die-hards alike can appreciate. CI pro team riders such as Dane Gudauskas, Sage Erickson, Conner Coffin, Mike February, and Alex Gray all say that the CI Fish is faster than greased lighting and zips through any flat sections with ease. This new model performs best with our new Channel Islands AMK (Al Merrick Keel) Futures keel fin template. Inspired by a classic outline, they boast a modern rake shape, graduated tip flex and flat inside foils finely tuned for fast, high performance surfing. Both the fins and the CI Fish are available at fine surf shops everywhere or www.cisurfboards.com. Built for stock in both PU/PE and EPS Spine-Tek constructions.



MATT BENNETT / SALAD DAYS 5'0 from Damaged Goods Zine on Vimeo.

Matt Bennett riding a 'Salad Days' 5'0 fish shaped by Jereme Aubertin.

Music - Goat / Golden Dawn

Film - Jereme Aubertin & Janelle Reid
Edit - Jereme Aubertin



The Sugar - Lee Wilson V.2

The Sugar - Lee Wilson V.2 from Chilli Surfboards on Vimeo.

Need to sweeten your quiver? The Sugar twin fin is Chilli’s latest candy, combining a retro look with a modern twist. The Sugar’s straight outline loves to draw long, fast lines and is not shy off the lip.
Let’s break it down:
• The beak nose allows foam through the top end of the board for paddle power and a really nice foiled out tail in the bottom end for performance.
• Low rail to bite the waves surface.
• A 3.5 inch deep swallow/fish tail, with width for speed in flat sections
• The fin position is a traditional twin fin set-up designed for large style twin fins or twin keels.




The Upsides to Downsized Surf - Channel Islands Surfboards

The global surf forecast is in constant flux, but one thing is quite certain: there are way more down-sized days than up. Fortunately, Channel Islands Surfboards has three different models to remedy the realities of small or junky surf: Neck Beard 2, CI Fish & Rocket Wide. Watch CI Teamriders Wade Goodall, Reef Heazlewood, Soli Bailey, Kai Otton & Connor O’Leary demonstrate just how fun and versatile these models are when the surf is not all-time. What's great about all three is that you have a board that addresses smaller surf very well, but if you show up and the waves are way better than expected you won't be bummed! But how to choose, you ask? Neck Beard 2: The brainchild of Dane Reynolds, the Neck Beard 2 is a crisp turning, high-performance board that features a single concave and moderate rocker profile well suited for tight, quick arcs but also lends itself to approach air sections with ease—and its wider tail makes for easier landings. CI Fish: Our Next Gen “fish” shape is geared for cruisey, longer lines but because of its thinned-out updates from earlier classic fish designs it provides added performance characteristics that can energize your average grovel sesh one day then have you screaming down-the-line on clean, head high points the next. The CI Fish performs best with our new CI AMK Futures keel fin template—inspired by a classic outline, they have a modern rake shape, graduated tip flex and flat inside foils. Rocket Wide: This may be the most versatile of the three. The Rocket Wide has everything you love in a good performance board's tail surfing characteristics but seamlessly employs the paddle power and lower entry rocker of a classic groveler. This single-to-double concave design can be enjoyed as a three-fin, four-fin and two-plus-one, helping surfers easily adapt to the changing conditions. For more info on these three designs that deliver in several big ways, see your local Surf Shop or go to www.cisurfboards.com. Edit by Fun Boys


Mini Single fin 開発中!

ボードサイズ6’0以下でミッドレングスのグライド感とミニボードのコントロール性を兼ね備えたボードがあったら面白いのではないかと考え開発中! エッジやレール、およびスタンスの下のボトムの作り込みを現在開発中です。 数回アップデートさせてリリースできると思います。 ミッドレングスシングルフィンでは物足りないショートボーダーにオススメ! お楽しみに!
